Monday, August 2, 2010

A weekend of firsts

1. Pulling up in bed for the first time.
Ok, I already blogged about this one. The pacifier dropping continues unabated. It is getting annoying.

2. The boys ate my spaghetti for the first time.
They loved it. But, what can I say? My spaghetti is awesome. I also let them eat it themselves and they made QUITE a mess. What could be better? (Yes, the bowls and spoons were quickly abandoned!)

3. Eating turkey sandwiches for the first time.
This was also their first meal completely made of "real" food. Ok, so the sandwich was sort of deconstructed...turkey, cheese and bread. I also cut up cherries into little pieces for them and they loved those too! I ate my turkey sandwich while they ate theirs and it was a lot of fun!

4. First time getting stuck while climbing.
Max tried to climb the gate. He got his hands on top of the gate and climbed up onto the ledge of the gate and then got stuck. Two inches up. I rescued him, of course.

5. First very stern "NO" from mom.
Alex has started spraying out his food when he gets bored or doesn't particularly like the food. So all weekend I ended up with pureed green veggies all over me. I looked at Alex, summoned up my resolve, composed my "I'm totally serious" face (trying not to laugh, of course) and very sternly said, "Alex, NO!" Alex, totally unimpressed, just stared back at me. Max, on the other hand, collapsed into dramatic sobs and tears. Of course, I had to do it two more times during that meal and every time, Max just lost it. Talk about drama. He's definitely the more rough and tumble of the two of them, but he's also more sensitive. He plays hard and cries hard!

6. First playing up of an "injury".
So, Max fell over or something this morning as I'm trying to run out the door for work and decided that he'd hurt himself and started to cry. Lindsay picked him up and put him on her lap and he sits there crying looking up at her and looking over at me standing about 3 feet away, as if to say, "why am I here when mom is over there?" So he crawls over to my feet, plops down, starts wailing and holds his arms up to me. I roll my eyes and pick him up and he's instantly smiling and cooing. Two words. Drama. Queen.

6. First injury resulting in blood.
About 5 minutes after the above situation, Alex fell over and must have bitten his lip because there was the tiniest drop of blood. He must have really hurt himself because he actually cried, which he normally doesn't do when he falls. It was a very sad moment and, because of it, I had an excuse to be 10 minutes late for work. He's totally fine now, btw.

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