Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Eating together

For the past two days the boys and I have had breakfast and dinner together. Now, I know this seems like an insignificant happening, but it's the first time we've sat down as a family and had a meal all together. After two years of not having any dining room furniture (the ex got it all), I broke down and bought a dining table and chairs! Ok, so it's not in the dining's sort of on the side of the living room, but it's a nice, dark, hardwood, square table with 4 chairs and I think that it will do us well for years. My boss said that she got a plastic covering for her table at Jo-Anne and it protects the surface and they can also do arts & crafts on their table. Ok, so I'll feel like I'm living in my grandma's house, but I think this is a good idea and will keep the boys from teething on the table too. I tried a regular tablecloth and Max pulled it off in about 2 seconds, so the plastic is a better idea.

Here are my big boys sitting at the table!

1 comment:

  1. You can go to one of the big box stores and buy a sheet of lexan or whatever they're calling plexiglass nowadays, buy a package of rubber or felt pads, and make your own top. They'll cut it to size for you, and maybe even put a nice dull edge on it for you (or you can do it yourself with some sandpaper). I did it this way and for a while, I had a tablecloth underneath the lexan, so that I had the decorative look of cloth, but the utility of plastic.
