Ok, so think the boys have been testing me the past few days to determine whether I really, TRULY want custody of them! Not sleeping, spitting up more than normal, making even larger messes than usual, that sort of thing! This morning, I had the boys in their chairs and was feeding them their breakfast mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese (two things I detest!) and they were making sure to let bits drool out onto the chairs, my pants, my arms, the carpet, each others' hair (???) and so forth. Really gross. But they are finally starting to truly interact with each other and it is so cute. Alex will reach over and stroke Max's face...and then start hitting him. Then he'll poke his finger into Max's ear. Max, in retaliation, pets Alex on the head and then pulls his hair. They really like to be near each other in the BCA. Being separated never lasts for long. They do tend to become immensely interested in the toy the other one has at the moment, but I think they'll learn to share a lot easier than most kids do.
Alex has started saying, "up! UP!" repeatedly, all day long. Except I'm not quite sure what it actually means. The conversation goes something like this...
Alex: up! UP!
Me: Do you want UP? Do you want me to pick you UP? (picks him up)
Alex: UP! UP! (pointing down to the floor)
Me: You are UP. Do you want DOWN? Oh, there's a sheep! Are you saying "sheep"? "SHEEP!" (gives him sheep)
Alex: up! UP! (throws sheep, points at ball)
Me: That's a BALL. Do you want the BALL? Let's play with the BALL. (rolls ball)
Alex: Up! UP! Blahbledadadaupuppbttthpbthhh! (blows raspberry, ignores ball)
Me: ??????
Alex: UP! UP! UP!
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