Sunday, August 15, 2010

There's no "first tantrum" sticker

I have these "baby's first year" calendars; one for each of them. However, I've been really bad about remembering to update them. I figured it would be the easiest thing, just pull off the sticker and apply it to the appropriate day...I just never seem to remember to do it. Also, there seem to be a lot of "doctor's appointment" stickers and "sat with help" and so forth. But who wants to remember all of the vaccinations and such, and besides, I have all of that on their immunization records. And the boys have been "sitting with help" since about day one, so how is that a milestone?

Yesterday I noticed there were several flies in the house and I didn't have a flyswatter, so I went to Target to get one. I also bought a flat screen TV and 4 boxes of Target wipes that were on clearance (this is a big deal in my household!). I ran over and grabbed the flyswatter while J stayed with the boys at the checkout and came back and, without thinking about it, handed it to Alex. When it came time to ring it up, I had to PRY it out of his little hands and when I finally got it away from him, he started shrieking, screaming, waterworks, everything. I thought maybe I hurt his fingers when I was trying to take it away; he was holding on pretty tightly. So I picked him up to comfort him and he was having nothing to do with it. I gave it back to him after it was rung up and he was happy again. Went to put him in the car and J took it so she could buckle him into his seat. Screaming fit again. Great. Alex's favorite new toy, the flyswatter. I had to wrench it away from him to give him his bedtime bottle. He finally let it go or forgot about it or something, but I'm hesitant to actually kill the flies in the house lest he see it again and freak out!

Flies don't live very long, do they?

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