Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

I now have 2 walking children. I could write my own version of the 12 Days of Christmas but just in twos...along the lines of 2 toddlers toddling, 2 babies leaping, 2 boys a-dancing, 2 toys get my drift!

Max is developing quite a vocabulary: ball, uh-oh, OH!, see, mommy, cookie, turkey, yogurt, milk, and I think he says book or block (or maybe both?) but it's hard to tell. There are other words he uses sometimes, but that aren't consistent yet. Sometimes hi, bye-bye, ni-ni and a few others. He also points to everything he's interested in, coupled with "see?!" sometimes "see dat?!"

Alex doesn't talk as much as Max, but he definitely has cookie, uh-oh, mommy and OH! He says bye-bye too and more consistently than Max does. He invented his own toy by putting a ball on the lid of the shape sorter and spinning the ball until it falls off (see video).

They both love to stack blocks and read books. They like to dump out their toy bins and sit in them, or just sit right on top of the toys or books.

I brought home some balloons for them the other day and it was like the best day ever! They looooooove balloons, so when these were buy one, get one free, I just couldn't resist.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Anyone can whistle!

Max is obsessed with whistling. If I blow across the end of one of his pop beads, I can make it whistle (like you can do with a soda/beer bottle), and he wants me to do it ALL the time. And then he puts it in his mouth and makes a "hoooo" noise like he's trying to make it whistle. He also has these shapes with holes in them and he figured out that if he blows into them, they will whistle too. Well, the other day, I hear him making a slight whistling noise, like when he blows in the shape, and I look over and he's doing it by himself! I admit, at first, I thought it was his nose, because it was so quiet! But then he did it the other day when I was leaving the house, and then again this morning when I was getting him out of his crib, so he was closer to eye level, you know? And I could see his lips were pursed up in a whistling position and he whistled a couple of times!

I just went and picked him up and whistled at him again (I can barely whistle myself, so I don't know where this obsession came from!) and he did it back! I didn't realize they could learn to whistle so early! It's such a weird, random thing to do!

I will keep trying to get it on video and if/when I do, I will definitely post it!