Sunday, November 28, 2010

I just found Alex eating a...

...rock. Yes, the boy who won't eat mac & cheese, spaghetti, pizza, or any other "normal" kid food was happily crunching away on a rock, face covered in dirt. I have two thoughts about this.

1. Where did the rock come from? He was in the BCA; no rocks there that I'm aware of.
2. Why didn't I have the wherewithal to take a photo before I cleaned his dirt covered face?

On the other hand, I think he is finally on his way to walking. Yesterday, he took 3 unassisted steps to Jess and I've noticed that he's standing on his own quite a bit more the past couple of days which is what Max started doing first too.

Jess and I took the boys to the Desert Botanical Gardens yesterday. I bought a year membership at a 50% discount through Groupon, so we can go through next November (although I doubt we'll be visiting much from April-October!). It was the last weekend of the butterfly pavilion exhibit, which is one of the main reasons I bought the pass. The boys definitely were watching the butterflies fly around, it was pretty cool. They only have Monarchs in the fall and I learned the difference between male/female Monarchs.

We tried to get a photo of the 3 of us in front of the poinsettia tree, but 2X were not cooperating!

Max is getting so big!

I swear that they each have their own chair.

Jess, Alex and the goat

"You see what I have to put up with?" - disgruntled goat

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Max walks

My son walks. Not well, but it's definitely walking. He reminds me a lot of Frankenstein's monster because he has that "walk" and he also makes monster noises as he takes steps. If I could teach him to say "braaaaaiiiiins" as he walks, I could have a new YouTube sensation!

I am feeling pretty smug because I have somehow not only managed to bring a child (two, even) into the world, but I have taught him how to walk upright (amongst other things). I always thought one of the best things about having a child was the opportunity to basically teach it anything I wanted. I had this vague idea in the back of my head about always dying mashed potatoes green so that when the child went somewhere else and saw white potatoes he would be freaked out. Well, unfortunately, my children don't like potatoes and I've realized that doing something like this would be WAY more complicated than I have time for! Oh well, the best laid plans and all that.

Not only is he walking, but he "talks" constantly and has started mimicking too. He says a couple of words pretty well: cookie, yogurt, doggy, mama. All two syllable words...odd? I have no idea.

Alex is not far behind. He is standing more and lowering himself with control. He "talks" a lot more too. But I think that, for awhile, he's going to be slightly behind Max. But he's definitely the more laid back of the two. We went to the carnival and the zoo this past weekend and he loves going on the rides, whereas Max is a scaredy cat.

I'm currently in an insane nap transition from two to one nap. I'm trying to get the boys on the day care schedule so that when they go in January, there won't be too much in the way of schedule change. I will miss the nanny, but I am looking forward to saving $500/month on day care. Maybe I can pull my ass out of this money sucking hole I'm in finally!

My friend came up with a nickname for the boys, "dos equis". I think it's hilarious and I wonder why it took a YEAR for someone to figure that out.

Halloween was fun. I had a brilliant costume idea, if I do say so myself. Clark Kent and Superman! I know! Identical twins! I may have to do it again next year when they can walk and keep the glasses on, but I will switch and let Alex be Superman and Max will be Clark.

Here are some Halloween photos. I love the 2nd one of Alex with the glasses in his mouth; couldn't have posed that if I tried. And also a video of Max starting to walk.